Cold Brew Coffee

This blog runs on coffee.

I write reflections and essays about life. I get to typing and the words just stream out. But how do I begin the writing? What does my writing run on? The answer: Coffee.Thick as Stout

It is summer now, and since I still love coffee, and I don’t have a coffee shop close by. If I was close to one, I would run out of my coffee budget before the end of the month. So to get by I brew my own coffee.

Now, I have a coffee maker, and it works great during the cold months, or if I want a hot cuppa in my hand. But when it gets hot out, I want it cold.

I could brew it the normal way, and then pop the brew in the fridge, but that can lead to some funny tastes and coffee that isn’t strong enough for me when it gets cold. No, the better thing to do is cold brew coffee.Coarse Grounds

I grind up a cup of fair trade Equal Exchange whole beans, and put it in a quart mason jar. (I use a wide mouth funnel so I don’t lose any).

Then I pour filtered water over the grinds, and when the jar is about half full I swirl it around a bit to get all of the grinds wet. (It starts to look like the sludge that Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewy get in when they dive into the garbage chute. Don’t worry, it tastes good.)

Then finish filling it to the brim.Soaked Grounds

Pop it in the fridge or countertop overnight to 24 hours.

Then filter it out. I use the gold reusable filter that came with my coffee pot, sitting in a sieve. Or in a pinch I use a mesh sieve lined with paper towels over a 4 cup measuring cup.

to the brimAfter it has filtered, discard the grounds, and add some sweetener, if you like it that way. I also add almond flavoring.

Pop it in the fridge, and when you are ready to indulge dilute it with water or the creamy beverage of your choice. Our house uses almond milk, but you can make it breve with soy creamer.

I love a cold iced latte, especially one that I don’t have to go to the store to get. Free refills!

1 cup coffee grounds (preferably fresh ground, fair trade)
1 quart (filtered) water
1 mason jar, or other quart sized container

Sweetener: (agave nectar, honey, sugar, etc.)
Milk or Creamer (almond, soy, coconut, or cow’s milk)

Combine coffee and water, stirring halfway through filling. Brew in refrigerator or on cool countertop for 8-24 hours. Filter and store in fridge. Pour over ice and add cream and sweetener as desired. Enjoy!Beautiful Patterns

About kathyrandall

United Methodist Pastor, North Carolinian, writer, cook, crafter, vegan, wife, mother, and lover of a good story.
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